
If you spend a lot of time outdoors, which many in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas of Southern California tend to do, your skin and appearance can be dramatically affected. Common signs of sun damage include rough dull texture, fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots and patches, visible blood vessels, and diffuse skin redness. An IPL (Photofacial) can address all of these issues. Just like going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning is necessary to keep your teeth healthy and white, regular IPL treatments keep your complexion radiant and youthful.

Acne scars | Age spots | Birthmarks | Freckles | Rosacea | Skin discoloration | Spider veins | Stretch marks


Rejuvenates the skin by clearing brown & red spots, broken capillaries, pigmented lesions, helping to even out skin tone and texture. The convenient revolutionary approach to healthy-looking skin with minimal down time after treatment

IPL/Photofacial Details


5 days


3-5 treatments



4-6 weeks apart


  • Chest | $250

    Face | $300

    Face & Neck | $350

    Face, Neck & Chest | $400

    Forearm | $175

    Full Arms | $250

    Hands | $100

    Hands & Forearm | $275

    Neck | $125

    Neck & Chest | $300


Frequently Asked Questions

  • IPL, or Photofacial, is a noninvasive treatment designed to reduce the appearance of freckles, age spots, and sun damage. Sometimes referred to as photo rejuvenation, an IPL treatment is also be extremely beneficial for patients suffering from rosacea.

  • An IPL treatment can be used on almost any area of the skin. The most commonly treated areas include the face, chest, hands, arms, and back

  • To begin, a cool gel is applied to the predetermined treatment area. Next, your Practitioner will gently run a smooth handheld device over the skin, delivering precise light pulses, using the state-of-the-art Cutera technology. Protective eyewear is always worn during an IPL procedure.

  • IPL (Photofacial) is FDA-approved and clinically proven to get results. Advanced technology allows your provider to adjust the settings according to your skin type, skin color, and the specific skin treatment you choose.

  • Initially, patients may note some redness and swelling on the treatment area, although this will resolve quickly. Skin spots may darken immediately after an IPL treatment, but within seven to ten days, these should fade or flake off. During the recovery period, patients must wear sunblock to ensure optimal results. Patients are able to return to work or school the same day, make-up may be worn throughout this process and strenuous exercise is also permitted.

  • While the results from an IPL treatment can be long lasting, the normal aging process will continue and may result in new areas of damage.

  • Both men and women, frustrated by freckles, age spots, sun damage, or rosacea may make an excellent IPL candidate. Patients should always be in generally good health, with realistic expectations for their IPL treatment.

    The innovative technology behind the IPL treatment make it much more comfortable than other procedures.

  • IPL treatments have been around for over 20 years and they are proven to be safe for the skin. Hyperpigmentation may occur on the rare occasion, but these dark areas will normally fade within seven to ten days. By choosing an experienced provider, and utilizing advanced technology like Lumenis M22 provides, complications are rare.