Laser Hair Removal

safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair

Traditional hair removal treatments, such as waxing, shaving and tweezing, typically cause some pain and discomfort. More importantly, these treatments only produce temporary results, so the patient is required to undergo that pain and discomfort each time a repeat treatment becomes necessary.

  • Laser Hair Removal uses laser light to remove hair follicles by targeting the melanin in the follicle. Melanin is the pigment that provides hair with its color. The presence of melanin allows the laser to be precisely targeted, heating and damaging the hair follicle.

    Individual hairs must be targeted one at a time. Not all hairs are actively growing at the same time, so a patient should be treated throughout the whole hair growth cycle to ensure that all hairs have been removed.

  • There are two types of hair on your body. Vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair: Fine and pale hair “peach fuzz”, it usually isn’t visible to the naked eye. Terminal hair: thicker, fully pigmented hair most people consider “real hair” This hair is found on scalp, eyebrows, legs, backs, underarms, and genital areas.

    Unfortunately, due to the lack of pigment in the Vellus hairs, our laser cannot detect your hair and will remain on your body.

  • Laser Hair Removal can be permanent following a course of treatment customized to your needs and hair type. Since not all hair is in a growth phase at the same time, it may be necessary to revisit certain treatment areas to permanently remove hair.

    Once hair has been completely removed from areas of the body, it will only grow back under very rare circumstances such as a significant hormonal change.

  • The number of laser hair treatments you should schedule depends on the area that needs to be treated. In most cases, very significant results can be seen in 4-6 treatments. In a case where you are more sensitive and have thicker hair, more treatments may be necessary for optimal results