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V-Tone is a non-surgical procedure designed to strengthen the pelvic floor. This remarkable treatment can improve vaginal muscle laxity, stress and urge urinary incontinence, vaginal tone, and urinary urgency/frequency. 

It can also be used for simple vaginal maintenance. The procedure works by using electro-stimulation to create muscle contractions that aren’t possible to achieve with Kegel exercises, significantly improving a weakened or overstretched pelvic floor.  


VTone is a proven urinary inconvenience treatment that can help. It rehabilitates weak pelvic floor muscles, addresses urinary stress & urge, and mixed urinary incontinence. It is a gentle, FDA cleared technology designed to provide an electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and neuromuscular re-education.

Childbirth and changing hormones, including declining estrogen, weaken pelvic floor and vaginal muscles, leads to decreased sensitivity during sex, bladder leakage, and even increased urinary tract infections. Until very recently, Kegel exercises and surgery were the primary urinary incontinence treatments recommended by doctors to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

VTONE helps treat




Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence comes from the weakness of the nerves that help the bladder hold or pass urine. This is very common among women, particularly women who have experienced childbirth or pregnancy and those who are perimenopausal or in menopause. Treatments such as VTone can help.

VTone is designed to strengthen the muscles associated with incontinence, and is FDA-cleared to improve all types of urinary incontinence, including stress urinary incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, and functional incontinence.

types of URINARY incontinence

  • Urine leaks when pressure is exerted on the bladder by coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, lifting heavy articles

    • A sudden, intense urge to urinate followed by an involuntary loss of urine

    • Often have the urge to urinate, including throughout the night 

    • Urge incontinence may be caused by a minor condition, such as infection, or a more severe condition such as a neurologic disorder or diabetes

  • Frequent or constant dribbling of urine due to a bladder that does not empty completely

  • A physical or mental impairment which inhibits making it to the toilet in time (ie. due severe arthritis, you may not be able to walk quickly enough).

  • More than one type of urinary incontinence

Pelvic floor dysfunction

Many women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction. Alleviating symptoms such as pain and incontinence can be challenging. The EmpowerRF machine safely and effectively treats delicate parts of your body and does a great job in pelvic muscle strengthening with little to no downtime following the treatment.

Postpartum Changes in the Body

A woman’s intimate physiology undergoes significant changes after they give birth. The most common problem they face in this period is pelvic-perineal dysfunction. The perineum is a space between the vulva and the anus that forms part of the urogenital triangle; an area that includes the reproductive organs, supporting muscles, nerves, glands, and blood vessels. The pelvic floor muscles support the abdominal organs and act as a stabilizer for our core. When they are working optimally, they allow us to control our bladder, our bowel, and our sexual function. However, these muscles and tissues can be damaged during a vaginal birth. Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause the following disruptive symptoms:

  • Loss of bladder control. Stress urinary incontinence may affect women after pregnancy, which may cause urine leakage after a cough, sneeze, or pelvic straining.

  • A rapid onset of bladder pressure that results in a difficulty “holding in” urine. Urinary urgency results in an immediate need to urinate, whether the bladder is full or not.

  • Insufficient emptying of the bladder. It may be difficult to start urination or, when urination does occur, the flow may be weak.

  • A side-effect of urinary retention. The stream of urine is sometimes slower because of a deficit in communication between the urethra, bladder muscles, and pelvic floor.

  • An inability to control defecation, commonly associated with forceps delivery and anal sphincter laceration.

  • Many women worry about their postpartum sex life. Pelvic floor weakness and the fear of urinary dysfunction caused by vaginal birth may cause psychological concerns as well as physical ones.


As pregnancy and childbirth cause weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, so too does growing older. The prevalence of pelvic floor disorders increases substantially with age and the onset of menopausal and post-menopausal hormone changes. Data indicates that the basis for this decline is, in part, due to a general loss of skeletal muscle function and fibrotic changes that occur in surrounding tissues. With VTone, both women who have given birth vaginally and those who have not can benefit from a targeted muscle stimulation treatment that relieves common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction and effectively supports overall intimate wellness.

How VTone works

As one of the few FDA-approved nonsurgical  treatments for urinary stress incontinence, VTone’s results can be spectacular, eliminating that embarrassing “sneeze n’ pee” so many women face. During treatment a small electrostimulator is inserted inside the vaginal opening, causing involuntary muscle contraction. This treatment tightens and strengthens your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles.

What makes V-Tone unique is how powerfully it targets weakened or overstretched pelvic floor musculature (usually due to childbirth) with electrostimulation. This, in turn, induces a cascade of deep, firm muscle contractions not possible to achieve with simple Kegel exercises.



  • Like any other muscle in your body, your pelvic floor and vagina muscles will respond positively to exercise. But Kegels often aren’t strong enough to build the kind of life-changing results that just ten sessions of VTone provide.

    Most women notice much more reliable bladder control after their series of VTone urinary incontinence treatments and a lot more pleasure in the bedroom, too! Though a single individual session of VTone works wonders as a women’s wellness maintenance treatment

  • VTone treatments are performed in the office, usually in a series of 6-8 treatments over three months. VTone is quick and painless procedure – completed in 30 minutes, without anesthesia, surgery or downtime.

    Most patients report increased urinary control, reduced bladder leakage, and improved sexual sensation after a VTone series.

    Results are cumulative, with most patients realizing optimal strengthening 1-2 weeks after their final treatment. Maintenance treatments are performed annually.

  • Combined with Morpheus8V on the EmpowerRF platform by InMode, VTone provides the most aggressive non-surgical option to treat female urinary incontinence to date.

    This allows women the opportunity to manage their urinary leakage with an easy, FDA cleared procedure, and to avoid bladder mesh surgery with all of the potential surgical complications including from mesh erosion, scarring and painful intercourse for both partners.

  • VTone is recommended for any woman who experiences urinary incontinence who wishes to avoid a bladder mesh surgery. Women who wish to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles for sexual enhancement for themselves and their partner should also benefit from treatment.

    VTone is not suitable for the following candidates:

    • Vaginal or pelvic surgery within 12 months of treatment

    • Vaginal mesh implant

    • Urinary tract infection (UTI)

    • Active pelvic infection

    • History of genital herpes

    • Pregnancy and nursing

  • No, there is no recovery/downtime with V-tone. Results are cumulative and maximum results are felt 1-2 weeks after the last treatment.

    Some women report feeling a bit sore the day following their initial treatment, as is expected when starting a new exercise routine.

  • There are no negative side effects of VTone. Women with a history of a hypertonic or tense pelvic floor should not chose the procedure as their symptoms can worsen.

    Other contraindications are patients with cardiac pacemakers and internal defibrillators or any active electrical implant/device in any region of the body.